.vermögensberatung Domain Information
Applicant Full Legal Name
Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG
Legal Establishment
Aktiengesellschaft (Stock Corporation)
Applicant Address
Münchener Strasse 1
Frankfurt am Main 60329
State Jurisdiction
Germany / German Law
Applicant Website
Applied for gTLD
Mission/Purpose of Domain Extension
DVAG, a stock corporation located in Germany, provides comprehensive financial advisory services for individual clients. The text of the applied-for gTLD, "VERMÖGENSBERATUNG", is a dictionary word in the German language which means "financial advice". DVAG offers its clients tailor-made financial... Read more
Founded in 1975 by Professor Dr. Reinfried Pohl, DVAG began as a family business focused on superior customer service and effective wealth enhancement strategies. The company has greatly expanded during the past highly successful 36 years and now offers services in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The current assets of Deutsche Vermögensberatung are in excess $581 million, and the company maintains 3,100 offices and directorates and has more than 5.5 million private clients. DVAG is Germany's leading financial consulting company, and a strong leader in the investment services industry of Europe.
DVAG provides investment consulting services through 37.000 financial agents within the meaning of § 84 Handelsgesetzbuch (the German Code of Commercial Law). These financial agents act independently, on a commission basis, but are assisted by DVAG by providing them with a common corporate identity and marketing platform, IT-Infrastructure, accounting settlement systems and comprehensive, quality education and training.
A. The name and brand DVAG
Since Professor Dr. Reinfried Pohl opened his family business in 1975, the name Deutsche Vermögensberatung has been associated with an unparalleled level of customer service and client satisfaction. DVAG assesses its clients‘ individual requirements and uses these as a basis for long-term consulting in the areas of old-age pension provision, wealth management, health insurance, non-life insurance, loans and mortgages, and banking.
The ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" top-level domain will enable Deutsche Vermögensberatung to showcase its wide array of financial services and wealth management opportunities in a streamlined and consistent manner, and to communicate information about its investment and client advisory services on single and a unified platform. The ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" top-level domain will further assist DVAG by providing a comprehensive nexus of websites where clients may locate and engage authorized investment counsellors and research the many products and services offered by the company. The ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space will provide the company and its agents with a single, multi-functional and well-maintained forum through which to communicate to their clients and prospective consumers.
The TLD ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" is intended to benefit Internet users by enabling DVAG to communicate more easily and effectively with all Internet users, and particularly with its many customers, clients and affiliates. As indicated above, the term "vermögensberatung" is a generic word meaning "financial advice". By utilizing a dictionary word, which will be easily-identifiable by German speakers throughout the world, this new TLD will become a natural location for curious Internet users, as well as potential and current DVAG clients, to seek investment information. The generic nature of the term will make the space accessible to all users searching for financial advice, interesting in locating an authorized investment agent, or looking to communicate with the DVAG financial office of their choice.
The ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" Registry Service Provider will manage the Internet space under the direct control of DVAG. This will allow the distribution and exchange of information between DVAG, their authorized financial agents, and their relevant stakeholders by means of, but not limited to, websites, social networks, email and other technologies that will reside within the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domain name space.
DVAG envisages the TLD to follow a single-registrant model, wherein all registrations within the space are held by the DVAG company itself. DVAG's financial agents, appropriate corporate divisions, or other affiliated entities may apply to the Legal department of DVAG to request authorization to license such registrations for their own use. DVAG shall review such requests and, in its sole discretion, may grant such licenses on a case-by-case basis. In all cases, DVAG shall monitor the use of all ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domain names to ensure that the content of the associated websites remains current and appropriate to the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space, and does not violate any third parties' rights.
All host records are to be approved by both the legal and the IT department of DVAG prior to creation.×
The TLD is intended to benefit internet users by enabling DVAG, its authorized commercial agents, employees and affiliates to communicate more easily and effectively with all Internet users, and particularly with its customers and business associates. Internet users will benefit from a more... Read more
DVAG expects to benefit from the TLD due to an increased spectrum of marketing. By utilizing the dictionary term "vermögensberatung", which is intrinsically related to the goods and services the company provides, DVAG believes it will be able to reach a new, broader range of clients. Additionally, it will provide the company with an ample supply of relevant and available domain names to use in their business.
Within this new TLD space, DVAG will maintain strong control over its online brand and services, and will further provide users with robust privacy and security features. In turn, those benefits are certain to result in a better Internet user experience, particularly for those Internet users interested in DVAG's financial services agents and products.
The ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space will bring the additional benefit of increased Internet user security for the clients who trust DVAG with their financial resources and investment portfolios. DVAG's clients have a great interest in Internet security, and seek to communicate with their financial institution and commercial agents in a clean, safe online environment. DVAG is working with its Registry Service Provider to establish strong safeguards in order to ensure that the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space provides and exceptional, trustworthy platform for its clients transactional needs.
i) What is the goal of your proposed gTLD in terms of areas of specialty, service levels, or reputation?
The TLD ultimately is intended to function as an advertising and service platform for the DVAG company and its authorized financial brokers. It is intended to function with leading-edge technologies and business practices, ensuring a trustworthy and positive user experience. The goal is to expand DVAG's existing online infrastructure, services and marketing to encourage Internet users to interact with the company and its agents online. DVAG anticipates having an ample supply of relevant domain names available for its use, which will assist in the marketing of its products, the delivery of our products and services through authorized financial agents, and the development of new services.
All ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domain name registrations will incorporate the Domain Name Registration and Usage Policy for ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG," which outlines the acceptable use guidelines for the space. A draft version of this Policy is provided in the answer to question 18(c) below. Such Policy will be further incorporated into any license agreement made between DVAG and its affiliates, commercial agents, employees or subsidiaries who may from time to time be authorized to license ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domain names. A domain name license may be revoked by DVAG at any time if the licensee does not comply with the acceptable use requirements contained in the Policy, or any other contractual requirements as may be established in the particular license agreement.
Domain names within the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space may be used to provide specific information about DVAG's products and services, branch locations, and authorized commercial agents. They may additionally be used to provide information relevant to, inter alia, particular geographic locations, product lines or investment strategies. For instance, clients seeking information about the innovative investment strategy known as the "ALLFINANZ-Konzept," developed by DVAG's founder Professor Dr. Reinfried Pohl, might look to the website at "ALLFINANZ.VERMÖGENSBERATUNG." Likewise, a client seeking a listing of authorized commercial agents in his geographic location might search the site "MÜNCHEN.VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" for more information.
This user-friendly, centralized network of financial information will greatly benefit Internet users and DVAG's consumers, thus enhancing the reputation of the DVAG company and instilling a high level of trust in those who visit the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space.
ii) What do you anticipate your proposed gTLD will add to the current space, in terms of competition, differentiation, or innovation?
The TLD will provide an alternative for DVAG and its commercial agents to the current TLDs. This space, which utilizes a well-known German word for "financial counseling" will serve as an intuitive destination for Internet users new to the field of financial investment. Consumers seeking information concerning investments, or interested in researching possible financial solutions and opportunities, will be assisted by the space. It is a logical, clear place to look for answers, and DVAG will provide such answers in a well-organized, structured, and secure manner.
Since the TLD comprises a dictionary term, the space is an intuitive location for Internet users familiar with the German language. Such Internet users will be able to directly navigate to the intuitive domains provided within the space, saving time and resources as compared to the use of a generalized search engine. If consumers are looking for information concerning financial counseling services they will know where to look, and will be presented with a range of helpful information, DVAG products, licensed agents, and quality services.
This provision of goods and services in intuitive, easy-to-locate spaces provides a great benefit to the virtual marketplace. Consumers will naturally seek products, services and information in a space that identifies itself as a relevant location, through the use of a commonly-known generic term. Although Internet users might not initially be aware of the space, DVAG intends to utilize the new TLD extensively in its marketing and advertising campaigns in order to publicize the new location.
The ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" TLD will allow DVAG to innovate and create many uses for domain names which today are too complicated or completely unforeseen. Today, it is often difficult to find a relevant and easily available domain name for the launch of a new product or campaign from existing registration providers. Even if one is found, often pricing is prohibitive because the domain name is only available on the secondary market. All new domains must be purchased from third parties and then managed as corporate assets. These expenses and complications, which can hinder companies and, in some cases, delay the release of innovative new products and services to the public, can be dramatically reduced over time. Furthermore, an ample supply of immediately available, inexpensive domain names relevant to DVAG and its activities are likely to pay dividends in additional ways which are currently difficult to foresee.
Furthermore, the proposed ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" TLD will be a "clean space" for consumers seeking information about the company, its commercial agents and its products. Since DVAG will have control over all of the registrations in the space, there is no risk of abusive use of these domain names. There will be no opportunity for bad actors to impersonate authorized financial agents, perpetrate fraud, or engage in dangerous and illegal internet scams such as phishing or pharming. Internet users will find only authentic, DVAG-authorized content within this space, providing them with a level of comfort and safety which the current gTLD landscape cannot give them. The ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" pages will connect Internet users to authorized, safe sites, helping them to find relevant resources and information.
iii) What goals does your proposed gTLD have in terms of user experience?
The goal is to use DVAG's online infrastructure, services and marketing to encourage Internet users to interact online with the company. More specifically, DVAG intends for users to perceive the TLD as a trustworthy online location, wherein to find information about financial counselling services and DVAG products. DVAG will use advanced technical and policy measures to ensure the security of online transactions and communications, and to ensure that domain names in the TLD are only used for authorized purposes. DVAG intends to provide a safe and legitimate Internet space, enhancing user experience by mitigating security-associated risks. This is particularly important in the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space, as the users of the associated websites may be engaging in investment and financial services transactions.
The TLD will reinforce the ideals of the DVAG corporation. Therefore, domains within the TLD will only be used for purposes authorized by DVAG, and the company will closely monitor the content of any and all licensed domains. Domain usage guidelines will be established and enforced in order to safeguard the Internet user experience and the reputation of the space. In addition, the TLD will provide an easily navigable and predictable domain name space.
The Internet user can expect, when entering the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" TLD, to find authentic, up-to-date information displayed in an intuitive, easy-to-navigate fashion. Second-level registrations will be carefully selected by DVAG, and their content routinely monitored to ensure that Internet users receive the maximum benefit when utilizing the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space.
Thus, the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space is designed to provide an unparalleled user experience in terms of stability, safety, and facile user interface.
iv) Provide a complete description of the applicant's intended registration policies in support of the goals listed above.
It is envisaged that DVAG will be the sole registrant of domain names within the TLD, which will ensure that such domain names only are used for purposes authorized by DVAG in its online brand promotion efforts. A draft version of the anticipated Domain Name Registration and Use Policy for the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space is provided at the end of the answer to question 18(c).
v) Will your proposed gTLD impose any measures for protecting the privacy or confidential information of registrants or users?
DVAG intends for users to perceive the TLD as a unique, trustworthy source of its online information and services. User trust is enhanced when said users are confident that they are in fact interacting with the website and service they are intending to interact with, and that their private or confidential information is securely protected. DVAG intends to use advanced technical and policy measures to reasonably ensure the security of online transactions and communications, and to reasonably ensure that domain names in the TLD are only used for authorized purposes. DVAG intends to provide a safe and legitimate Internet space, enhancing user experience by mitigating security-associated risks.
DVAG intends to deploy DNSSEC and to comply with all of the other policies and practices required by ICANN in the Registry Agreement and/or via any Consensus Policy. DVAG will also comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to Internet security and the privacy of users' confidential information.
Furthermore, DVAG already employs commercially reasonable practices with respect to the security of online transactions and users' private or confidential information. DVAG is committed to making the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space fully compliant with all published best practices guidelines, including the APWG Anti-Phishing Best Practices for Registrars, and the SSAC docs: SAC 007, 025, 028, 035, 038, 040 (available at: http://www.icann.org/en/committees/security/ssac-documents.htm). For further information concerning privacy protections and data security within the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space, please refer to the answers contained in section 23 below.
vi) Describe whether and in what ways outreach and communications will help to achieve your projected benefits.
DVAG plans to use the TLD in many of its marketing initiatives and in relation to many of its core operations and services. Use of the TLD in this way will effectively reach out and communicate to the intended audience the opportunities available to them within the TLD. Not only will such marketing inform individuals and prospective clients about the information available within the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space for the particular goods or services covered in the advertising, but will also introduce them to the many other opportunities available within the TLD. Once familiar with the space, they will learn to take advantage of the wide range of services offered, and the easy-to-use, intuitive layout of the space overall.
For example, a user who first sees an advertisement for "product.VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" may later directly navigate to search within ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" for information concerning other products or services offered by the company. Besides DVAG's own specific efforts to communicate the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" TLD to its intended audience, DVAG believes it will be the natural next step for its audience, and relevant media organizations, to further communicate information about the TLD as they speak or report about the company. In sum, outreach and communication are important in order to achieve the projected benefits of the TLD, but also will be inherent in DVAG's use of the TLD space, and further will be enhanced by the viral nature of communications about the company's work.
As it seems there will be many new TLDs presented to Internet users in the coming years, it is expected that the outreach, communications and media relating to each of them, individually, will lead to collective benefit insofar as many Internet users will quickly grasp the concept behind these TLDs, and will expect many companies and corporate communities to operate them in generally consistent ways. Internet users will be quick to adapt to the coming changes in the DNS, as new opportunities will be presented to them that will greatly enhance their browsing experiences. As users see the benefits offered to them in these new spaces, they will adopt the new locations and mechanisms as the online landscape evolves.×
Operational Rules and Cost Benefits
The TLD ultimately is intended to function as an online portal for the provision of DVAG's financial counselling services. It is intended to function with leading-edge technologies and business practices, ensuring a trustworthy and positive user experience. The goal is to use DVAG's online... Read more
In general, DVAG intends for users to perceive the TLD as a trustworthy and intuitive indicator of the source of its online information and services. DVAG intends to use advanced technical and policy measures to ensure the security and reliability of online transactions and communications taking place on domains within the TLD, and to ensure that domain names in the TLD are only used for authorized purposes. Naturally, as DVAG will be the registrant of all domain names within the space, it will have full control over the content displayed on ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" websites. DVAG intends to provide a safe and trustworthy Internet space, enhancing user experience by mitigating security-associated risks.
The TLD is designed to reinforce the corporate ideals of DVAG, and to provide an online forum by which the company may communicate with its commercial agents, employees, affiliates, associates and clients. Therefore, domains within the TLD will only be used for purposes authorized by DVAG. Domain usage guidelines will be implemented and enforced to constantly ensure the integrity of users' ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" experience and the reputation of the TLD.
All domain name registrations within the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space shall be held by DVAG. The company may, from time to time and in its sole discretion, elect to license the use of domain name registrations to its commercial agents, affiliates, associates or employees, in order to further the business interests of the company. All domain name registrations and license agreements shall incorporate the usage requirements set out in the Domain Name Registration and Usage Policy for ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG," a draft version of which is provided at the end of this section. DVAG intends that no domain name in the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space shall be used in a manner which:
- infringes any other third parties rights
- is in breach with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements
or for the purposes of:
- undertaking any illegal or fraudulent actions, including spam or phishing activities, or
- defaming DVAG or its businesses, affiliates, brokers, employees, etc.
The ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domain space shall be used for the benefit of the Deutsche Vermögensberatung company. DVAG will have the right to revoke any domain name license agreement should DVAG deem such action appropriate for the benefit of the company.
The content and use of all registered ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domain names will be monitored by DVAG on an ongoing basis, and compliance with the contractual restrictions and guidelines will be enforced. Violations of any restrictions, guidelines or other contractual conditions may result in termination of the relevant domain name license.
In addition, the TLD will provide an easily navigable and predictable domain name space. This is due to the anticipated intuitive navigation approach to be adopted within the TLD. For example, domain names in the format "DVAG.VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" may be utilized to provide a listing of authorized financial services commercial agents, or "PRODUCT.VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" may be used for a website providing information related to specific financial products. All of this will lessen users' confusion when interacting online with DVAG, and make it easy for them to find the resources and information they seek.
DVAG will implement a Sunrise period of 30 days for the purpose of complying with ICANN requirements. However, because the Registry Operator will be the sole registrant within this space, there will be no other registrants eligible to reserve or register a domain during this period. The Registry Operator will develop and implement an appropriate Sunrise Dispute Resolution Policy (SDRP), containing the elements specified by ICANN, for the resolution of any disputes which might in theory arise during this period.
During the initial launch period, for no less than 60 days, a Trademark Claims Services system will be in place as required by ICANN. During this period there will be a notice sent to the prospective registrant of any ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domain name, prior to its registration, should such domain name constitute an identical match of a mark registered in the Trademark Clearinghouse. Moreover the right owner or owners, as recorded in the Trademark Clearinghouse, will be informed once any such domain name has been registered following this event.
i) How will multiple applications for a particular domain name be resolved, for example, by auction or on a first-come/first-serve basis?
As indicated above, all domain name registrations within the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space will be held by DVAG itself. DVAG may, in its sole discretion, from time to time elect to license the use of ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domain names to its commercial agents, employees, affiliates or associates, but the registrant of record for all domain names within the TLD space shall remain DVAG. All such licensees shall be required to use the domains for the purposes specified by DVAG under the terms of their relevant license agreements. DVAG will maintain, at all times, control over the content and use of the domains within the new TLD, and will remain the sole registrant of record.
This single-registrant system will ensure that the TLD remains a tightly controlled, safe space for Internet users, and will ensure that the network of registrations remains well-organized. These protections will naturally inure to the benefit of Internet users who wish to interact or communicate with DVAG online.
ii) Explain any cost benefits for registrants you intend to implement (e.g., advantageous pricing, introductory discounts, bulk registration discounts).
As outlined above, all domain name registrations in the TLD space will be held by DVAG itself and pricing (if any) of domain registrations will be a matter of company policy.
iii) Do you intend to make contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation?
As noted above, DVAG will be the sole holder of all domain name registrations in the TLD. Accordingly, DVAG does not intend to make any commitments regarding the magnitude of price escalation.
A full text draft version of the anticipated Domain Name Usage Policy for ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" is provided below.
DRAFT Domain Name Registration and Use Policy for ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG"
I. General principles
1. Purpose
The ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" Top Level Domain (ʺTLDʺ) established by and for the use of Deutsche Vermögensberatung, the Registry Operator for the TLD space. DVAG will, with the advice and assistance of the Registry Service Provider, KSregistry GmbH, and relevant governmental bodies, develop, maintain and enforce effective TLD management strategies to manage the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space.
This Policy is intended to be updated and revised regularly to reflect the needs of DVAG and its TLD. The current version of this Policy will be made publicly available at: [insert website when determined].
The registration of domain names within the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" TLD shall be restricted to DVAG itself, thus following a single-registrant model. DVAG may, in its sole discretion, elect to license the use of registrations within this space to, inter alia, its agents, associates, brokers, employees or service providers.
2. Registration Policy
As indicated above, the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space will follow a single-registrant model. Thus, Deutsche Vermögensberatung shall be the only entity eligible to register domain names within the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" TLD.
II. Domain Allocation Rules
3. String Requirements and Reserved Names
String Requirements
Second-Level Domain names within the TLD must only include hyphens in the third and fourth position if they represent valid internationalized domain names in their ASCII encoding (for example ʺxn--ndk061nʺ), and must otherwise comply with any other applicable ICANN requirements.
Reserved Names
1. The label "EXAMPLE" shall be reserved at the second level and at all other levels within the TLD at which Registry Operator makes registrations.
2. Two-character labels. All two-character labels shall be initially reserved. The reservation of a two-character label string may be released to the extent that Registry Operator reaches agreement with the government and country-code manager. The Registry Operator may also propose release of these reservations based on its implementation of measures to avoid confusion with the corresponding country codes.
3. Second-Level Reservations for Registry Operations. The following names are reserved for use in connection with the operation of the registry for the TLD: NIC, WWW, IRIS and WHOIS.
4. The List of Reserved Names shall be compiled by DVAG and will be publicly posted online at [website to be determined]. DVAG reserves the right to include new names in the list of reserved names.
Country and Territory Names
The country and territory names contained in the following internationally recognized lists shall be initially reserved at the second level and at all other levels within the TLD at which the Registry Operator provides for registrations:
1. the short form (in English) of all country and territory names contained on the ISO 3166-1 list, as updated from time to time, including the European Union, which is exceptionally reserved on the ISO 3166-1 list, and its scope extended in August 1999 to any application needing to represent the name European Union 〈http://www.iso.org/iso/support/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists/iso-3166-1_decoding_table.htm#EU〉;
2. the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Technical Reference Manual for the Standardization of Geographical Names, Part III Names of Countries of the World; and
3. the list of United Nations member states in 6 official United Nations languages prepared by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names; provided, that the reservation of specific country and territory names may be released to the extent that Registry Operator reaches agreement with the applicable government(s), provided, further, that Registry Operator may also propose release of these reservations, subject to review by ICANN's Governmental Advisory Committee and approval by ICANN.
III. Registration and Licensing Rules
4. Registration period and renewals
A ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domain name may be registered, and renewed at the end of each registration period, subject to the current terms and conditions offered by the concerned Registrar.
5. Licensing of domain name registrations
DVAG may, in its sole discretion, elect to license the use of domain name registrations within the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space to its commercial agents, appropriate corporate divisions, or other affiliated entities. In all cases, however, DVAG will remain the registrant of record for all domain name registrations within the TLD, and shall retain the authority to mod-ify or terminate such registrations at any time via the concerned registrar.
IV. Acceptable Usage Guidelines for ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" Domain Names
6. Acceptable Use
The ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space is intended to function as the DVAG's online corporate branding platform, and as such the registrations therein should generally support the goals and mission of the organization.
DVAG intends that no domain name in the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space shall be used in a manner which:
- infringes any other third parties rights
- is in breach with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements
or for the purposes of:
- undertaking any illegal or fraudulent actions, including spam or phishing activities, or
- defaming DVAG or its businesses, affiliates, brokers, employees, etc.
DVAG will routinely monitor the use of all domain names registered in the ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" space to ensure that the content displayed thereon is in the best interests of the company and its business endeavours.
V. Dispute Resolution Policies
7. Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (ʺUDRPʺ)
The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (ʺUDRPʺ) shall apply to any challenges to registered domain names on the grounds that: 1) such domain names are identical or confusingly similar to a trademark in which the complainant has rights, 2) the registrant lacks rights or legitimate interests in the domain name, and 3) the domain name has been registered and used in bad faith. The full text of the UDRP is located at the following address: http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm.
8. Uniform Rapid Suspension System ("URS")
The Uniform Rapid Suspension System ("URS") shall apply to any challenges to registered domain names on the grounds that: 1) such domain names are identical or confusingly similar to a trademark in which the complainant has rights, 2) the registrant lacks rights or legitimate interests in the domain name, and 3) the domain name has been registered and used in bad faith..The full text of the URS is located at the following address: [insert website when available].
9. Trademark Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure (Trademark PDDRP)
The Registry Operator for ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" shall agree to be bound by the Trademark Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure (Trademark PDDRP). The Trademark PDDRP applies to challenges by trademark holders claiming that one or more of its marks have been infringed, and thereby the trademark holder has been harmed, by the registry operator's manner of operation or use of the gTLD. The full text of the Trademark PDDRP is located at the following address: [insert website when available].×
Is this a Community-based TLD?
Is this a Geographic-based TLD?
Protection of Geographic Names
DVAG has engaged KSregistry to deliver registry services for our TLD. This response describes protection of geographic names as implemented in the managed TLD registry service. A. PROTECTION OF GEOGRAPHIC NAMES In accordance with Specification 5 of the New gTLD Registry Agreement, the Registry... Read more
This response describes protection of geographic names as implemented in the managed TLD registry service.
In accordance with Specification 5 of the New gTLD Registry Agreement, the Registry Operator must initially reserve all geographic names at the second level and at all other levels within the TLD at which the Registry Operator provides for registrations.
We will support this requirement by using the following internationally recognized lists to develop a comprehensive master list of all geographic names that will be initially reserved:
- The 2-letter alpha-2 code of all country and territory names contained on the ISO 3166-1 list, including all reserved and unassigned codes [http://www.iso.org/iso/support/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists/iso-31661_ decoding_table.htm];
- The short form (in English) of all country and territory names contained on the ISO 3166-1 list, including the European Union, which is exceptionally reserved on the ISO 3166-1 List, and its scope extended in August 1999 to any application needing to represent the name European Union [http://www.iso.org/iso/support/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists/iso-31661_ decoding_table.htm#EU];
- The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Technical Reference Manual for the Standardization of Geographical Names, Part III Names of Countries of the World. This lists the names of 193 independent States generally recognised by the international community in the language or languages used in an official capacity within each country and is current as of August 2006 [http://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/ungegn%20tech%20ref%20manual_M87_combined.pdf]; and
- The list of UN member states in 6 official UN languages prepared by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Conference on the standardization of Geographical Names [http://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/UNGEGN/docs/9th-uncsgndocs/ econf/9th_UNCSGN_e-conf-98-89-add1.pdf]
Names on this reserved list in the TLD registry will be prevented from registration, unless and until any such names are released from reservation per our release procedures generally described below.
A corresponding list of geographic names will be made available to the public via the Registry Operator's website in order to inform Registrars and potential Registrants of the reserved status of such names. The lists previously noted, will be regularly monitored for revisions and the reserved list, both within the registry and publicly facing, will continually be updated to reflect any changes.
In addition to these requirements, KSregistry is able to support our wishes in regards to the reservation of additional terms on a case by case basis. The managed TLD registry allows such additions to the reserved list to be made by appropriately authorized staff, with no further system development changes required.
The following applies to all Domain Names contained within the managed TLD registry reserved list:
- Attempts to register reserved Domain Names will be rejected;
- WHOIS queries for listed Domain Names will receive responses indicating their reserved status;
- Reserved names will not appear in the TLD zone file; and
- DNS queries for reserved domain names will result in an NXDOMAIN response.
We understand that if and when we wish to release any reserved names at a later date, this will require further approval from ICANN.
In order to release reserved names, we will have in place a special release mechanism, described below.
Consistent with the ".info" release of geographic names, as referenced in the New GTLD Applicant Guidebook, we will present the GAC Representatives with an option, at no charge, of objecting to release and use of any initially reserved names at the second level. However, as further detailed below, since such names will be used for the purposes of the representation of our company, it is almost impossible to anticipate any abuse or misconduct. Thus we reasonably believe that very few GAC Representatives, if any, would exercise this option. Nevertheless, the at-no-charge objection will remain an option for the GAC Representatives, in compliance with current ICANN requirements regarding geographic reserved names. We will make a proposal to ICANN via the RSEP or other future process created by ICANN for this purpose.
Generally, it is extremely unlikely that our authorized use of any "countryname.VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" or "cc.VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domain name could be confusing to users, or otherwise offensive to any country. To the extent that use of any ".VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domain was ever deemed confusing or offensive, we are likely to have a strong desire to resolve the situation quickly and respectfully to any affected country's sovereign interests. At minimum, we will ensure that its designated abuse contact is aware of the additional sensitivities that may potentially arise with respect to use of "cc.VERMÖGENSBERATUNG or "countryname.VERMÖGENSBERATUNG" domains, such that any complaints of this nature are prioritized accordingly.×