.uk Domain Name Information
Select a section below to get information about price, domain specifications, domain dispute policies, domain requirements, WHOIS information and registry information for .uk domains. Start a search to register your .uk domain.
- Registration 9.49 USD / year
- Renewal 11.99 USD / year
- Transfer 9.49 USD / Transfer in your .uk
- Time to Register Instant
- Type ccTLD
- Country United Kingdom
- Registration Period 1 - 10 years
- DNSSEC Supported / Learn how to add DNSSEC
- Trustee/Proxy Service No
- Individuals can register Yes
- Businesses can register Yes
- Is there a special use for .uk? No
- Is there any other information needed to register a .uk domain? No
- Does .uk have any additional fees? No
Any additional documents, requirements or information needed to register a .uk?
The .UK registry requires that all registrant data meets their requirements for Data completeness checks
The .UK registry may request documents to validate the name and address information of a registrant at their discretion.
Failure to provide this information upon request may result in the suspension of your domain.
- Are Individual .uk domain registrations allowed? Yes
- Company or legal entities registrations allowed for .uk? Yes
- Are some .uk domain names restricted? No
- Do I need a trademark/brand name to register .uk? No
- Private Registration service available? No
- .uk Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees? No
- have minimum of 3 and a maximum of 63 characters;
- begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number;
- use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z),numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these;
- neither begin with, nor end with a dash;
- not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions (e.g. www.ab- -cd.uk); and
- not include a space (e.g. www.ab cd.uk).
- Registry Nominet
- Accredited Yes
- Dispute Policy https://www.nominet.uk/domain-support/uk-domain-disputes/
- Sponsoring Organization
Administrative Contact
Managing Director
Nominet UK
Minerva House
Edmund Halley Road
Oxford Science Park
Oxford OX4 4DQ
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +44 1865 332211
Fax: +44 1865 332299 -
Technical Contact
Technical Director
Nominet UK
Minerva House
Edmund Halley Road
Oxford Science Park
Oxford OX4 4DQ
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +44 1865 332211
Fax: +44 1865 332299 - Sub Domains
Name Servers
Host Name IP Address(es) nsa.nic.uk
2001:502:ad09:0:0:0:0:3nsb.nic.uk nsc.nic.uk nsd.nic.uk dns4.nic.uk