About .physio

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Physio is a general term used to describe physical therapists of all specialties. The .physio domain name extension exists to provide a dedicated name space on the Internet for people in this profession and provide an extension that web users can trust. A .physio domain name says to your clients that you are a licensed professional, and that the information found on your website will be useful and high quality. Get your .physio domain today!

DNSSEC is available for .physio domain

Frequently asked questions about .physio.

How do I buy a .physio domain?
To purchase your domain name, you must first search for the availability of the unique phrase (without spaces or with hyphens). If the domain name is available, you may then add it to the cart to register for up to 10 years. If the .physio generic domain is not available, then either modify your phrase, or inquire about purchasing the name outright through 101domain's Domain Concierge Service.
Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for .physio?

.PHYSIO is restricted to members of the physiotherapy and physical therapy professionals.

In order to register or renew a .PHYSIO domain, the applicant must satisfy either Criteria A, B or C as described below:

Criteria A Where a professional association that is a member of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy exists in the country where the applicant resides the applicant must:
1. Be a natural person; and
2. Be entitled to be a member of the professional association of the country where they reside or were educated.

Criteria B In the case where a professional association exists but is not a member of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy or where a professional association does not exist in the country where the applicant resides the applicant must:
1. Be a natural person; and
2. Be completing, or have completed, a programme of study that affords eligibility to practice physiotherapy in that country.

Criteria C In the case of a company or organization:
1. One of their primary purposes must be to support, promote, service or supply persons identified in Criteria A or B, as an identified professional group, and
2. They may only register a domain name that is a close and substantial match to their business name, product or service.

The list of professional associations that are members of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy is available at the following link.

At any time during the registration term, the Registry may monitor or review whether a registrant meets the eligibility requirements. Registrants may be asked to provide information to demonstrate compliance. Failure to be in compliance may result in suspension or deletion of the domain name.

Certain names may be reserved or considered premium names.

Other information I need to know about .physio?

Renewal fees for domain purchased during the Sunrise phase will be higher than the standard .PHYSIO renewal fee at a renewal fee of $159.99 per year.

Technical information for .physio.

  • TLD .physio
  • Type gTLD
  • Registration 94.49 USD / year
  • Renewal 109.99 USD / year
  • Transfer 94.49 USD / Transfer in your .physio
  • Time to Register Instant
  • Registration Period 1 - 10 years
  • Renewal Grace Period 40 days
  • Redemption Period 30 days
  • Private Registration Not Available
  • DNSSEC Supported / Learn how to add DNSSEC
  • Trustee/Proxy Service No
  • Blocking Service Part of the GlobalBlock Service / Learn more
    Block Registrations on your trademark in .physio and each of Phys Biz Pty's
  • Individuals can register No
  • Businesses can register Yes
  • Registry Phys Biz Pty
  • Information updated 2022-10-17

See all .physio domain help and technical information.

Why manage your .physio domain with 101domain?

101domain is an international domain registration service with the largest selection of global domain names across a variety of subjects. A .physio domain is just one of the many TLDs we can find, register, and manage for you and your business.