About .ltd.uk
Frequently asked questions about .ltd.uk.
Limited companies incorporated in the United Kingdom should provide exact company name and company number. Domain requested must exactly match company name.
The .UK registry requires that all registrant data meets their requirements for Data completeness checks
The .UK registry may request documents to validate the name and address information of a registrant at their discretion.
Failure to provide this information upon request may result in the suspension of your domain.
Technical information for .ltd.uk.
- TLD .ltd.uk
- Type ccTLD
- Registration 7.99 USD / year
- Renewal 10.99 USD / year
- Transfer 7.99 USD / Transfer in your .ltd.uk
- Time to Register Instant
- Registration Period 1 - 10 years
- Private Registration Not Available
- DNSSEC Supported / Learn how to add DNSSEC
- Trustee/Proxy Service No
- Individuals can register No
- Businesses can register Yes
- Registry Nominet
- Information updated 2025-01-23
Why manage your .ltd.uk domain with 101domain?
101domain is an international domain registration service with the largest selection of global domain names across a variety of regions. A .ltd.uk domain is just one of the many TLDs we can find, register, and manage for you and your business.