.lotto Domain Name Information

Select a section below to get information about price, domain specifications, domain dispute policies, domain requirements, WHOIS information and registry information for .lotto domains. Start a search to register your .lotto domain.

  • Registration 2,154.99 USD / year
  • Renewal 2,375.99 USD / year
  • Transfer 2,154.99 USD / Transfer in your .lotto
  • ICANN Fee 0.18 USD per year
  • Time to Register 24 Hours
  • Type gTLD
  • Renewal Grace Period 40 days
  • Redemption Period 30 days
  • Registration Period 1 - 10 years
  • DNSSEC Supported / Learn how to add DNSSEC
  • Trustee/Proxy Service No
  • Individuals can register No
  • Businesses can register Yes
  • Is there a special use for .lotto? No
  • Is there any other information needed to register a .lotto domain? No
  • Does .lotto have any additional fees? No
  • Any additional documents, requirements or information needed to register a .lotto? Yes

    Registration of .LOTTO domain names is restricted to members of approved lottery associations around the globe. An eligible registrant will have already received a Member Contact ID and a Verification Code from the registry. You will be prompted to provide this information during checkout.

    Eligible Registrants must be classified within one or more of the following categories and adhere to the relevant restrictions set forth below:

    Lottery Operators

    Eligible Registrants must be licensed or authorized to conduct lotteries by a jurisdiction domiciled in a state recognized by the United Nations. Sales of games of chance and/or skill must account for the majority of the organization’s total annual gross revenues. Such games must be offered in accordance with the requirements of the .Lotto Acceptable Use policy. Domain names registered by or on behalf of lotteries must correspond to the name of the Eligible Registrant, Eligible Registrant’s lottery games, Eligible Registrant’s product(s), or its product category. Qualified Registrants may include additional words within their domain names. For example, Registrants may register EntityName.lotto, EntityNameGameName.lotto and GameName.lotto.

    Suppliers of Goods and Services to the Lottery Industry

    Eligible Registrants are organizations that supply goods or services to the lottery industry and are a member of an Approved Standards Body. Examples include suppliers of online and offline systems, terminals, printers, video lottery terminals, special papers, vending machines, dispensers and drawing machines, telecommunication organizations, ticket printers, game designers, marketing and advertising specialists, consultants, auditors and trade magazines. Associate members are not permitted to conduct lotteries at a .LOTTO domain. Qualified Registrants may include additional words within their domain names. For example, Registrants may register AssociateMemberName.lotto, AssociateMemberNameMachines.lotto, and GravityPickMachine.lotto.

    Approved Standards Body

    Recognized lottery associations, i.e. theWorld Lottery Association (WLA)and the regional associations it recognizes: North American Association of State and Provincial (NASPL), European State Lottery and Toto Association (EL), the Corporation Iberoamericana de loterias y apuestas de estado (CIBELAE), the Association des Loteries d’Afrique (ALA) and the Asia Pacific Lottery Association (APLA), and other international lottery associations representing at least 5 State Lotteries and/or Lotteries licensed by the State to operate lottery games in the concerned jurisdiction and each of them located and operating in different jurisdictions or States.

    Please note: A domain can be registered without a Membership ID and Verification Code. The domain name will remain on serverHold and will not resolve until this information is provided. There will be no refunds provided for failure to provide once the domain name is registered.

    Naming Selection

    There should be a clear and logical nexus between the activities of the Registrant within the lottery industry and the domain name being registered. Domain names that are likely to deceive, disparage or cause a material detriment to the lottery community, its customers or Internet users are explicitly prohibited, e.g., ihate.lotto or unfair.lotto.

  • Are Individual .lotto domain registrations allowed? No
  • Company or legal entities registrations allowed for .lotto? Yes
  • Are some .lotto domain names restricted? Yes

    Some domain names may be permanently or temporarily reserved or restricted for registry operations, as premium domain names or to comply with ICANN requirements.

    To comply with ICANN requirements, all two-character domains shall be initially reserved, however may be released in the future. In addition reserved names for a) International Olympic Committee, b) International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and c) Intergovernmental Organizations, for new gTLDs., are not available in accordance with ICANN. The list of these names can be found here.

  • Do I need a trademark/brand name to register .lotto? No
  • Private Registration service available? No
  • .lotto Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees? No
What is the registration term allowed for .lotto domain names?
.lotto domain names are available for 1-10 years.
How long does it take to register my .lotto domain name?
The domain registration time frame for .lotto during general availability is 24 Hours.
What are the characters and valid character lengths for .lotto domain names?
.lotto Domain Names must:
  • have minimum of 1 and a maximum of 63 characters;
  • begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number;
  • use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z),numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these;
  • neither begin with, nor end with a dash;
  • not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions (e.g. www.ab- -cd.lotto); and
  • not include a space (e.g. www.ab cd.lotto).
What is DNSSEC, and is it available for .lotto domain?
DNSSEC is available for .lotto domain. Enabling DNSSEC will protect .lotto domain names against counterfeit DNS data by providing origin authentication and integrity protection on that data. DNSSEC can be configured in your domain name's DNS panel.
What is Trustee Service, and is it available for .lotto?
Trustee Service is not available for .lotto extension. Trustee Service can help satisfy most local presence requirements when there are restrictions on registering a domain name.
Can I transfer out my .lotto domain if I'm using your Trustee Service?
Because Trustee Service is non-transferable, you must update your ownership according to .lotto requirements before a transfer out can be started.
Can I hide my .lotto registration information (Private Registration)?
No. At present the .lotto domain zone does not provide means to hide the information of the domain owner. All or partial information (name, address, email, etc.) may be displayed in WHOIS.
What is the grace period for .lotto domain name?
In accordance with ICANN, Generic Top Level Domains (gTLD) have a 40 day "Grace period" in which a domain name can be renewed without incurring an additional fee. Its important to note however that your domain will no longer resolve on the day it expires. After the 40 day grace period, there is a 30 day "Redemption Period" in which you can renew your domain name for an additional $150 USD.
Who is the registry that manages .lotto domain names?
The registry that manages the registration of domain names with the .lotto Top Level Domain is Identity Digital. You may visit them at https://identity.digital/.
  • Registry Identity Digital
  • .lotto Registry logo
  • Accredited Yes
  • Dispute Policy https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/help/dndr/udrp-en
  • Sponsoring Organization
    Afilias plc
    4th Floor, International House, 3 Harbourmaster Pl
    Dublin 1
  • Administrative Contact
    Senior Vice President
    Building 3, Suite 105
    300 Welsh Road
    Horsham, PA 19044
    United States
    Email: tld-admin-poc@afilias.info
    Voice: +1 215.706.5700
    Fax: +1 215.706.5701
  • Technical Contact
    Senior Director, DNS Infrastructure Group
    Building 3, Suite 105
    300 Welsh Road
    Horsham, PA 19044
    United States
    Email: tld-tech-poc@afilias.info
    Voice: +1 215.706.5700
    Fax: +1 215.706.5701
  • Sub Domains
  • Name Servers
    Host NameIP Address(es)