.kw Domain Name Information
Select a section below to get information about price, domain specifications, domain dispute policies, domain requirements, WHOIS information and registry information for .kw domains. Start a search to register your .kw domain.
- Registration 299.99 USD / year
- Renewal 329.99 USD / year
- Transfer 299.99 USD / Transfer in your .kw
- Type ccTLD
- Country Kuwait
- Registration Period Available for 1 and 2 year(s)
- Trustee/Proxy Service Yes
- Individuals can register No
- Businesses can register Yes
- Is there a special use for .kw? No
Is there any other information needed to register a .kw domain?
Domain should be related to the company name or to a registered trade mark.
- Does .kw have any additional fees? No
Any additional documents, requirements or information needed to register a .kw?
Requirements for GA:
Trustee service is required for all domain registrations, even when the client has local presence in Kuwait.
1) Business registration or Trademark registration certificate (international or local) that exactly matches the domain name.
2) Scanned copy of Authorization letter signed, stamped and printed on letterhead (provided by 101domain Support).
3) A copy of the ID of the person signing the authorization letter is required.
3-letter .KW domains are also available at higher rate. Contact [email protected] or call +1(760) 444-8674 for any further questions about registering during this phase.
- Are Individual .kw domain registrations allowed? No
- Company or legal entities registrations allowed for .kw? Yes
Are some .kw domain names restricted?
Violating rights of third parties, partial names associated with trademarks, permutations of existing names is not allowed. See FAQs for complete restrictions.
- Do I need a trademark/brand name to register .kw? Yes
- Private Registration service available? No
.kw Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees?
Don't Have All of These Requirements for Kuwait .kw? Our trustee service provides the required local contact information. Note: Registration for 2 years may be required on some extensions.
Available at Checkout
.kw Trustee / Proxy Fee: 109.99 USD per 1 Year
.kw Trustee / Proxy Application Fee: 0.00 USD
- have minimum of 4 and a maximum of 63 characters;
- begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number;
- use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z),numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these;
- neither begin with, nor end with a dash;
- not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions (e.g. www.ab- -cd.kw); and
- not include a space (e.g. www.ab cd.kw).
- Registry CITRA
- Dispute Policy https://www.nic.kw/en/policies/
- Sponsoring Organization
Administrative Contact
Manal AlMazyad
Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority
Khaled Ibn Alwaleed street, block 6, plot 1, aldhow tower, 12th floor
Sharq, Al Asima 15300
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +965.22966000
Fax: +965.00000000 -
Technical Contact
Bashar Al-Abdulhadi
Kuwaitnet General Trading & Contracting Co
P.O. Box 1230
Dasman, Al Asima 15463
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +965.1807060
Fax: +965.22257060 - Sub Domains
Name Servers
Host Name IP Address(es) sns-pb.isc.org
2600:2000:3021:0:0:0:0:1b.nic.kw c.nic.kw
2600:2000:3020:0:0:0:0:1a.nic.kw ns4.apnic.net