Are the challenges of manual trademark searching and reporting monopolizing your time?
Trademark registers and databases vary widely from country to country, and new trademarks are registered daily around the world, making it challenging to stay ahead of new threats.
Many companies do not have the resources or bandwidth to monitor all of the threats their brand faces day in and day out and end up falling short.
Gain unrivaled visibility with International Trademark Monitoring.
A successful brand protection strategy begins with a robust trademark portfolio and includes automated trademark monitoring to ensure you are able to protect those trademarks.
How it benefits you
International Trademark Watch
Receive alerts and application and opposition information of newly submitted trademark applications in trademark registers around the world, both online and offline.
Watch notices are delivered weekly to your inbox, and contain the pertinent information you need as well as a clipping of each mark.
Company Name Watch
Monitor company and corporate registers worldwide for suspicious use of your brand or trademarked name in the names of newly formed companies.
Our system will automatically alert you if another company registers your trademark as part of their company name or tries to take your company name as their own.
Included in Trademark Monitoring:
- 24/7 monitoring of over 200 trademark jurisdictions around the world.
- Full and critical information included in each watch notice give you the information needed to enforce your rights.
- Monitoring of online and offline trademark registers and gazettes. Different languages, with translation, and word marks are available.
Call an expert now to learn more. +1.888.982.7940