Block domain registrations matching your brand with GlobalBlock.

GlobalBlock looks for and blocks all unregistered domain names matching your brand across hundreds of TLDs and domain registries. Instead of having to defensively register domain names to protect your brand, GlobalBlock automatically blocks your brand label to give you peace of mind. By using GlobalBlock, you can save significant costs, time, and resources, providing an expert level of brand protection without the need to register and manage each domain individually.

You are not required to have a prior block with 101domain or any other provider to be eligible for GlobalBlock.

Identity Digital logo

Learn more with our video series covering the basics and specifics of GlobalBlock.

  • Part 1 of 5 (5:25) What is GlobalBlock?
  • Part 2 of 5 (6:47) What does GlobalBlock do and not do?
  • Part 3 of 5 (6:01) What domains are covered (and not covered) by GlobalBlock?
  • Part 4 of 5 (2:27) What trademark rights do I need to buy GlobalBlock?
  • Part 5 of 5 (5:09) If I already have DPML, can and should I upgrade to GlobalBlock?

What are the benefits of GlobalBlock?

Once all available names have been blocked initially, the Priority AutoCatch feature actively keeps watch for domains containing your brand name that may have been captured by squatters. It automatically blocks these domains as soon as they become available for registration, safeguarding your brand from drop-catching tactics.


Starting at

6,499.00 USD Year
12,998.00 USD for 2 years
19,497.00 USD for 3 years

Features & Specs

  • 560+ extensions
  • Direct blocking across all GlobalBlock TLDs, including Legacy gTLDs, New gTLDs, ccTLDs, and more
  • Premium domain name blocking
  • Priority AutoCatch
  • Domain Unblock


Starting at

9,799.00 USD Year
19,598.00 USD for 2 years
29,397.00 USD for 3 years

Features & Specs

  • 560+ extensions
  • Direct blocking across all GlobalBlock TLDs, including Legacy gTLDs, New gTLDs, ccTLDs, and more
  • Premium domain name blocking
  • Priority AutoCatch
  • Domain Unblock
  • Unlimited blocking of main labels
  • Block homograph confusable characters

Domains blocked by GlobalBlock are inactive until you decide to put them to use for your business. You can unblock domains at any time for no additional cost.

To use one of your blocked domain names, simply request a GlobalBlock override from us. Please contact your dedicated account executive or a member of our sales team.

Brand and Safety Alliance logo

Who can buy this?

Labels and terms that are available to block:

  • Registered trademark
  • Geographical indicators
  • Marks protected by statute or treaty
  • Unregistered trademark
  • Company or organization name
  • Celebrity name

How does GlobalBlock work with existing Domain Blocking Services?

101domain offers two protection solutions: Domains Protected Marks List (DPML) and AdultBlock. DPML extensions are seamlessly integrated within GlobalBlock, while AdultBlock extensions will remain separate. Existing DPML and AdultBlock subscribers will have the opportunity to extend their coverage to GlobalBlock. Contact us for your upgrade options.

Call an expert now to learn more. +1.888.982.7940

GlobalBlock Frequently Asked Questions

What types of rights are eligible with GlobalBlock?

There are four (4) types of rights that can be used with GlobalBlock Services:

  • Registered trademark, including:
    • Geographical indicators
    • Marks protected by statute or treaty
  • Unregistered trademark
  • Company or organization name
  • Celebrity name

Rights must be a minimum of three (3) characters long.

Who owns and manages the GlobalBlock product?
GlobalBlock is owned and managed by Brand Safety Alliance, LLC, A GoDaddy Registry company. It is part of a new initiative developed in collaboration with Identity Digital and other industry leaders that aims to create enhanced solutions for brand owners to protect their online identity.
What is the difference between GlobalBlock and GlobalBlock+?
The key difference between GlobalBlock and GlobalBlock+ lies in the advanced protection features offered by GlobalBlock+. With GlobalBlock+, you gain unlimited blocking of main labels (your brand or trademark in the form of a domain name) as well as the ability to block homograph / homoglyph confusable characters. By blocking these variations, GlobalBlock+ effectively combats homograph attacks, typosquatting, and other malicious activities that could deceive unsuspecting users.
What is a homograph or homoglyph?
A homograph or homoglyph is a term used to describe words or characters that have the same spelling or appearance but possess different meanings or origins. In the context of domain names, a homograph refers to visually similar characters, such as the Cyrillic letter "м" and the Latin letter "m" or "rn" instead of the letter "m", that can be used to deceive or impersonate legitimate brands.
Where can I see a list of domain extensions protected by GlobalBlock?
Reach out to a member of our team and we will provide you with a report that includes a list of all domains and variations of your brand available to be protected by GlobalBlock.
I have a DPML block subscription. Does GlobalBlock work with this?
All DPML domains are included in GlobalBlock, but they are separate services. If you are looking to upgrade from DPML to GlobalBlock, please contact a member of our team for special pricing.
What are examples of look-a-like variations blocked by GlobalBlock+?
GlobalBlock+ blocks all variations of a main label that include easily confusable characters, such as replacing an "l" with a "1" and an "e" with a "3" and other visually similar characters, for example, the Cyrillic letter "м" and the Latin letter "m" or "rn" instead of the letter "m".
If I already have the Donuts DPML+, are my additional labels covered by GlobalBlock or GlobalBlock+?
Existing DPML+ owners who upgrade to GlobalBlock+ can include up to four (4) additional labels for protection, of the ones specified in their DPML+ service. If you are looking to upgrade, please contact a member of our team for special pricing.
Are my additional labels that I have protected with DPML available to be blocked by GlobalBlock?
Yes, existing DPML+ owners that have specified additional variants will be able to add a maximum of four (4) labels with GlobalBlock+. These labels must be the same as what was specified for DPML+.
If I have a DPML block already which doesn’t expire until later, how do I switch or upgrade to GlobalBlock?
If you are looking to upgrade from DPML to GlobalBlock, please contact a member of our team for special pricing.
What if my SMD file is expired?
Your SMD file must be valid to be accepted for verification. Contact a member of our team and we can assist you in renewing your Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) SMD file.
What if I don’t have an SMD file to provide for GlobalBlock?

If you do not have an SMD file, you may still apply for the GlobalBlock service if you are a rights holder who has a:

  • Intellectual Property Right (IPR) number from a previously verified block from any provider. Contact a member of our team for details:
    • AdultBlock
    • DPML
    • MPML
    • dotXXX Sunrise B (SRB) Registration
  • Existing demonstrable right through other methods, including:
    • Registered trademark, including:
      • Geographical indicators
      • Marks protected by statute or treaty
    • Unregistered trademark
    • Company or organization name
    • Celebrity name

The BSA has its own verification process to which you are able to submit your existing demonstrable right. Contact us for more information about this process.

If I have a previous domain block subscription like AdultBlock, DPML, or another, do I qualify for GlobalBlock?
Yes, if you have previously been verified through a previous domain block subscription, you may utilize this right as your verification. Please contact a member of our team to get started.
If my trademark is not registered yet, can I qualify for GlobalBlock?

The following documentation may be provided in support of the verification application of an unregistered trademark:

  • Dated advertising and marketing materials (e.g., brochures, pamphlets, catalogues, product manuals, displays or signage, press releases, social media marketing materials etc.)
  • Links to websites, screen shots from websites
  • Headed and dated stationery, receipts, invoices
  • Dated photographs or scans of product labels, storefronts, billboards
  • Articles of Incorporation/Articles of Association

The BSA has a rights verification process that is available to you for the GlobalBlock. Contact us for more information about this process.

Are there any discounts available for GlobalBlock?

Yes, if you are looking to upgrade from DPML to GlobalBlock, there is a discount available. Please contact a member of our team for special pricing.

If you apply and are awarded a GlobalBlock during the BETA phase, from January 31, 2024 through February 29, 2024, you will qualify for an automatic 10% discount.

If you have an active DPML or AdultBlock subscription, you may participate in the Founders Program which offers a 10% discount for orders placed through May 31, 2024.

Only one discount may apply. Contact us for more information.

Does GlobalBlock cover premium names?
Yes, GlobalBlock will block all eligible premium domain names automatically.
Does GlobalBlock block domain names that are already registered by someone?
No, only domain names currently available will be blocked by GlobalBlock. However, GlobalBlock’s Priority Auto-Catch feature will monitor each registry’s zone file for already-registered domain names matching your blocked name and add them to your block as soon as they become available for re-registration, protecting you from future domain squatters and drop-catching tactics.
Does the price change on GlobalBlock as new TLDs are added?
No. Once you have your subscription, you will receive automatic protection for any new TLDs that are added to GlobalBlock, at no additional cost. At renewal, your subscription price will increase accordingly.
What shows in the WHOIS when a domain name is blocked?
All blocked domain names will include a message in the WHOIS database such as:
“This name subscribes to the GlobalBlock / GlobalBlock+ product; therefore, this name is not available for registration”.
Can the same trademark be blocked by multiple parties?
Yes, multiple parties can block the same trademark, just as multiple parties can hold matching verified rights registered in different jurisdictions. Any label that is blocked by more than one rights holder cannot be unblocked without the consent of all applicable rights holders.