.genting Domain Information
Applicant Full Legal Name
Resorts World Inc Pte. Ltd.
Legal Establishment
Parent Company
Joint Venture Partner
Genting Intellectual Property Pte. Ltd. (wholly owned subsidiary of Genting Berhad) - 20% Genting International Management Limited (wholly owned subsidiary of Genting Singapore PLC) - 20% Star Market Holdings Limited (wholly owned subsidiary of Genting Hong Kong Limited) - 20% Resorts World... Read more
Applicant Address
Suite 1001, Ocean Centre
5 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui
Kowloon N/A
State Jurisdiction
Applicant is based in Hong Kong (registered as F18951 under Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong) is the Head Office of Resorts World Inc Pte. Ltd., a company incorporated in Singapore. Resorts World Inc Pte. Ltd. is an investment holding company and is registered under Singapore Company... Read more
Applicant Website
Applied for gTLD
Domain Registration Status
Mission/Purpose of Domain Extension
The new .genting gTLD will operate as a restricted registry, in which Resorts World Inc Pte. Ltd. (Resorts World) can create and control domain spaces that promote its "Genting" brand identity and authenticity. In this regard, the .genting gTLD will be used by Resorts World to provide information, services and resources of the Genting Group of companies (Genting Group) to consumers in a way that promotes trust, convenience and utility. The .genting gTLD will provide an authoritative internet space for Resorts World, its affiliates and partners that are associated with the "Genting" brand. Second and third level domains can then be utilised for internet sales, marketing and communicating purposes, with internet users assured of brand authenticity.
Resorts World, established in 2009, is part of the Genting Group, which was established in 1965. Based in Hong Kong and Singapore, Resort World's principal activities are in investment holding and licensing of intellectual property rights, including the promotion of the "Genting" brand and related intellectual property rights, to increase global brand equity for the Genting Group. The Genting Group is recognised as one of Asia's leading and best-managed multinational companies involved in businesses, including leisure and hospitality, power generation, oil palm plantation, property development, biotechnology and oil and gas. The Genting Group currently comprises of 5 publicly listed companies in 3 different jurisdictions operating under the "Genting" brand with a combined market capitalisation of over RM 125 billion (USD40.5 billion) as at February 2012. Collectively, the Genting Group has over 58,000 employees. The Genting Group's commitment to excellence, innovation and growth has helped in the establishment of its premier global brand names such as the "Genting" brand. In this regard, consumer trust and continuous innovation are paramount considerations in Resort World's application for the .genting gTLD.
Business activities are increasingly conducted over the internet, allowing for greater levels of interaction between businesses and customers. As a result, both businesses and end users benefit from ease of interaction and a wider range of choices with lower transaction costs. However, developments in this area in the current domain name system has resulted in increased exposure for both businesses and consumers to criminal activities over the internet, including data breaches, hacking and phishing. These sophisticated criminal activities can cause loss and reputational damage to businesses as internet users lose consumer confidence and trust with the businesses targeted by such criminal activities. The .genting gTLD will facilitate greater trust and assurance from internet users connecting with Resorts World online, whilst still allowing convenient and efficient interaction.
Resorts World's mission and purpose for the proposed new gTLD share ICANN's initiatives to promote public interest. Resorts World is committed to contributing to achieving the goals of these initiatives in line with ICANN's Affirmation of Commitments, which include:
- consumer trust: the .genting gTLD registry will be operated in a centralised manner with a restrictive registration policy. Registration of domain names will only be available to Resorts World and its affiliate entities, at this stage, which will provide added consumer trust that .genting domain names are trustworthy. As .genting domain names are subject to registration standards, policies and procedures under Resorts World's control, this eliminates the possibility of malicious conduct within the .genting domain space;
- competition: the proposed new gTLD is not intended to instigate competition and consumer choice at the level of registration of domain names among prospective registrants. Instead it is anticipated to contribute to ICANN's initiatives to promote public interest through its operation focused on promoting consumer trust. Increased trust in the .genting gTLD will drive existing and new top level domain (TLD) registry operators to make improvements in mechanisms to improve consumer trust of their TLDs; and
- consumer choice: the proposed new gTLD will enable user-driven improvements and innovations assisting Resorts World's marketing efforts through its ability to create new second and third level domain names on demand. These names will provide the consumers with more choices for interacting with Resorts World. As Resorts World has effective control over the registration and use of domain names under the .genting domain space, this will also contribute towards general service innovations on the internet.
Given the restricted nature of the .genting gTLD, the projected number of second level domain name registrations is likely to be limited. It is anticipated that a limited number of 10 domain names will be registered in the first year. However, over the following few years, the number of domain name registrations is likely to increase to about 50 domain names as Resorts World or the Genting Group develops and implements new services and marketing campaigns such as creating product or service related domain names in the second or third level for the "Genting" brand.
At this stage, Resorts World does not intend to use geographic names in the second level. However, in accordance with the registration policy and the proposed measures for protection of geographic names as outlined in response to Question 22, Resorts World may use geographic names at a later stage to localise its websites in the countries in which the "Genting" brand operates or is marketed in. The use of geographic names is intended to:
- connect internet users with relevant information as applicable to the territory; and
- comply with required rules and regulations in the national territory.
Resorts World will utilise Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) at the second level, initially in Chinese language. The use of IDNs will allow internet users to engage with .genting in their native language, creating a more positive user experience and encouraging diversity. As the use of the .genting gTLD evolves, it is anticipated that the use of IDNs, including additional languages, will increase within the .genting domain space.
Resorts World is part of a well-recognised "Genting" global brand, with Genting Group's "Genting" trademark registered in 35 countries and territories such as Singapore, Malaysia, US and UK for the categories including Education and entertainment (Class 41); and Hotels and restaurants (Class 43).
Further, the Genting Group has an extensive domain name portfolio including over 30 existing domain names with an exact match to the applied-for .genting string and its "Genting" trademark in the spaces such as genting.com, genting.sg, genting.my and genting.us. The Genting Group also holds over 230 existing domain names containing the "Genting" trademark in resortsworldgenting.com and rwgenting.com.hk. Recently, the Genting Group was also successful in securing the genting.xxx domain name during the sunrise phase for the .xxx domain name space based on its existing trademark registrations.
Resorts World believes that the .genting gTLD is unlikely to cause confusion with either a generic term or any existing TLDs. The Genting Group trademarks are a leading global brand with significant reputation throughout Asia and across the world. Resorts World has used the term "Genting" in conjunction with its association to the Genting Group and the Genting Group's businesses for over 50 years. As such, the "Genting" brand has a well-established global presence for its various businesses such as in leisure and hospitality.×