.eurovision Domain Information
Applicant Full Legal Name
European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
Legal Establishment
Not-for-profit Association under Swiss Law
Applicant Address
LʹAncienne-Route 17A
Case postale 45
Grand-Saconnex Geneva 1218
State Jurisdiction
Articles 60-79 of the Swiss Civil Code. The EBU is an international non-governmental organization (INGO), created in 1950 as a not-for-profit Association under Swiss Law. It is a sector member of the ITU (International Telecommunication Union), the United Nations specialized agency. The relations... Read more
Applicant Website
Applied for gTLD
Domain Registration Status
Mission/Purpose of Domain Extension
Q18a - Mission-Purpose The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is applying for the .eurovision Top Level Domain (TLD) an Institutional TLD for its own exclusive use as an integral part of EBU's Institutional and corporate communications strategy aimed at raising the profile of the organization, and... Read more
Q18a - Mission-Purpose
The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is applying for the .eurovision Top Level Domain (TLD) an Institutional TLD for its own exclusive use as an integral part of EBU's Institutional and corporate communications strategy aimed at raising the profile of the organization, and at uniting EBU's operations and activities under a single online identity.
The European Broadcasting Union is one of the largest associations of national broadcasters in the world, with offices in eight countries over three continents. In financial terms, the European Broadcasting Union is one of the largest associations of national broadcasters in the world, with the highest turnover (CHF 404mio in 2011). It ensures high quality content and programs, shares knowledge and expertise and promotes the interests of its Members across all areas of its business. EBU now plans to re-brand and promote all its activities under the name EUROVISION. The allocation of the .eurovision TLD is a key component of a unified communications strategy for the benefit of its Members and customers.
EUROVISION is known as the premier distributor of news and sports content for the world's top broadcast and media platforms. This is a mature and reliable business. EUROVISION operates a dedicated global satellite and fiber network connected directly to broadcasters and other media platforms.
The name EUROVISION was first used by EBU in 1951 to describe the broadcast network developed by EBU's Members, and has since then been used for a wide range of activities and broadcast services. EUROVISION has also served as an umbrella name for various international television co-productions coordinated by EBU, such as the annual EUROVISION Song Contest (ESC), held since 1956. The EBU fosters public media values, making it its mission and mandate to serve its Members on the basis of technical, economic and cultural values, in the public interest.
Within the field of broadcasting services, EUROVISION is a well-known European service trademark, in use since 1956. The European Broadcasting Union is the holder of the EUROVISION European trademark (No: 002834976; Registration Date: 04/03/2004) and the international trademark IR 634 693 (Registration date 21 April 1995). The EUROVISION trademark has been used for almost 60 years in the title of the worldʹs oldest and most popular television entertainment program, the annual Eurovision Song Contest. This TV show is broadcast simultaneously in more than 40 countries in Europe, and the latest edition has attracted over 120 million viewers, making it the largest live non-sport event in Europe and one of the largest in the world.
EBU is also applying for the .radio TLD, a community based gTLD on behalf of the Radio community, open to registration by all eligible radio broadcasters, Internet radios, radio amateurs, radio professionals and their respective representative organizations, as well as companies providing radio-specific products and services. While the .radio TLD will serve the goals and needs of the whole Radio Community, .eurovision will be the institutional TLD for the exclusive use of EBU and its affiliates (Beijing, Brussels, London, Madrid, Moscow, Rome, Singapore and Washington), not restricted to radio-related issues, but extending to all types of activities and services provided by EBU, as described below, as well as its institutional needs.
The goals of the .eurovision TLD are:
1. Facilitate digital communications between EBU and its Members, and among the Group stakeholders, other institutions, clients and employees,
2. Strengthen the image and profile of the EBU Group in the on-line world,
3. Unify the brand in the digital world,
4. Facilitate access of users from all over the world to information about EBU,
5. Improve EBU's Members and customers security, and strengthen trust and loyalty,
6. Control EBU's Internet presence,
7. Provide new marketing opportunities,
8. Provide new business opportunities,
9. Enhance brand recognition,
10. Increase the value of EBU, and hence, of its digital identity in an era of convergence between Television, Radio and the Internet.
This is to be achieved by:
1. Creating a platform for Members, clients, partnerships, stakeholders, investors and employees,
2. Creating an integrated virtual and physical service channel,
3. Creating unified websites with access to all the company's services, events and networking activities.
The .eurovision TLD aims at raising the profile of the organizationʹs broadcasting activities and provides unique opportunities to build online networks around a brand, where innovation and creativity are promoted.
The creation of a specific .eurovision TLD will open up and enable a unique space to facilitate EBU's communications with its Members, the media industry, and the general public providing an effective and simple way to showcase and navigate the wide variety of EUROVISION's products and services.×