Officially known as Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ethiopia is a country located in what is known as the horn of Africa. It holds the record for the most populated landlocked country in the world with 88 million inhabitants. The country of Ethiopia stretches for 420,000 sq m. Addis Ababa is the country's capital and largest city with over 3 million people living there.
Ethiopia was a monarchy for most of its history, however in 1994 an election was held to choose the country's 547-member constituent assembly. The first president, Negasso Gidada, was elected in 1995. The country has always had its issues with civil war and after the first presidential election the war intensified spawning nine semi-autonomous administrative regions. Each region has the power to raise and spend revenues themselves.
There are 9 countries bordering Ethiopia including Sudan and South Sudan to the west, Djibouti and Eritrea to the north, Somalia to the east and Kenya to the south. There are over ninety individual languages spoken in Ethiopia, Making it one of the most language diverse countries in the world.
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- Ivorian
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- Republic Congolese
- Reunion
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- St. Helena
- Sudanese
- Swazi
- Tanzanian
- Gambian
- Togolese
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- Ugandan
- Saharawi
- Zambian
- Zimbabwean
- African Region
- South Sudanese