.edeka Domain Information

Applicant Full Legal Name

EDEKA Verband kaufmännischer Genossenschaften e.V.

Legal Establishment

German registered Association under german law (Eingetragener Verein).

Applicant Address

New-York-Ring 6
Hamburg 22297

State Jurisdiction

German law (especially §§ 53-64c Law of Associations [Genossenschaftgesetz, GenG], §§ 21-79 German Civil Code [Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB], articles of association (cf. § 63c GenG).

Applicant Website


Applied for gTLD


Domain Registration Status


Mission/Purpose of Domain Extension

The applicant, EDEKA Verband kaufmännischer Genossenschaften e.V. (applicant's name from now on shortened to "EDEKA e.V."; e.V. is the German acronym for "eingetragener Verein": registered association), is an association of nine regional cooperatives and further companies like the EDEKABANK. EDEKA... Read more

The applicant, EDEKA Verband kaufmännischer Genossenschaften e.V. (applicant's name from now on shortened to "EDEKA e.V."; e.V. is the German acronym for "eingetragener Verein": registered association), is an association of nine regional cooperatives and further companies like the EDEKABANK. EDEKA e.V. has a group's 2010 turnover of over € 43 billion in total and is a leading company in the German grocery market. The EDEKA group has a history in grocery retailing for more than 100 years, the first predecessor has been founded in 1898. The association has its registered office and principal place of business in Hamburg, Germany. The duration of the association is not restricted to a certain period. The object of the association is the legally required auditing of its nine members, the cooperatives, and to be the custodian of the EDEKA brand and thus the group's representative in all brand related affairs.

According to the latest ranking of Interbrand from February 2012 the brand EDEKA comes in second on the list of the "Germany‘s Most Valuable Retail Brands".

EDEKA e.V. is applying for the .EDEKA top-level domain with the following mission and purpose:

The .EDEKA top-level domain is intended to serve the needs of its community and to benefit its community in terms of (a) differentiating, protecting and expanding its brand, (b) promoting its brand to the public and stakeholders, and (c) creating added value for its brand by enhanced consumer trust and reliability in the digital space. The .EDEKA top-level domain will provide easy recognizable domain names for Internet users in general.

The .EDEKA top-level domain has the purpose to supports the goals of the EDEKA e.V. in becoming Germany's number one retail brand through continuous growth and by positioning the company as a highly attractive employer and delivering an excellent brand experience. The .EDEKA top-level domain will also aim to substantiate EDEKA's brand claim "Wir lieben Lebensmittel" (We love food).

EDEKA e.V. hereby states that according to Specification 9 Para. 6 in the New gTLD Agreement

(i) all domain names in the .EDEKA top-level domain will be registered to, and maintained by, EDEKA e.V. for its own exclusive use,

(ii) EDEKA e.V. will not sell, distribute or transfer control or use of any registrations in the .EDEKA top-level domain to any third party that is not an Affiliate of EDEKA e.V., and

(iii) the application of the Code of Conduct to the .EDEKA top-level domain is not necessary to protect the public interest.×