101domain offers the most advanced blocking services currently available for brand owners. Our domain blocking services protect your brand from online abuse, such as phishing and cybersquatting, while saving you time and money managing individual defensive registrations.

Protect your brand with our domain blocking solutions

Identity Digital logo GlobalBlock Are you ready for a unified domain blocking service that will continually expand to meet your evolving needs? GlobalBlock blocks the registration of domain names that match your brand label across 560+ top-level domains and 30 domain registries. DPML TLDs are included within GlobalBlock. Learn More
Identity Digital logo Domains Protected Marks List (DPML) Block What if you could stop others from registering domains with your trademark but reserve them for future use? DPML prevents cybersquatting in over 300 domain extensions with a single domain block. You can unblock any domain for use on your terms and timeframe. Learn More
AdultBlock logo AdultBlock Is your brand reputation protected within the online adult space? AdultBlock gives brand owners peace of mind by blocking their names and brands in all four adult-industry-themed TLDs: .xxx, .sex, .porn, and .adult. Learn More

Brand protection that requires little to no maintenance

Do you have the resources and capacity to combat all the threats your brands face online every day? Engaging a partner like 101domain can help you expand your coverage and brand protection for your digital assets. We'll help you address issues as they arise and be your go-to resident expert for protecting your brand in the future.

Call an expert now to learn more. +1.888.982.7940