About .corsica

Country flagLogo for .corsica Domain

While very much a part of France, the island of Corsica is a region with a separate history, linguistic tradition, and cultural heritage that make it quite unique. The new .corsica domain name will give Corsicans a new means of identifying and promoting their activities to the world across the Internet.

DNSSEC is available for .corsica domain

Frequently asked questions about .corsica.

How do I buy a .corsica domain?
To purchase your domain name, you must first search for the availability of the unique phrase (without spaces or with hyphens). If the domain name is available, you may then add it to the cart to register for up to 10 years. If the .corsica generic domain is not available, then either modify your phrase, or inquire about purchasing the name outright through 101domain's Domain Concierge Service.
Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for .corsica?

Eligibility Criteria

An individual of a legal entity may register (or renew) a .CORSICA domain name if it meets at least one of the below criteria:

Legal Entity in Corsica

A company headquartered in Corsica or company having its head office outside Corsica but a secondary establishment registered in Corsica.

Individuals living in Corsica

The applicant may be a French or foreign citizen with a physical address valid on the territory of Corsica.

Nexus to the .corsican community Diaspora and link to the Corsican community

Any individual who has and will provide a direct or indirect link attachment (economic, social, cultural, familial, historical or otherwise) with Corsica.

Registrant must ensure it meets one of the eligibility criteria throughout the life cycle of the domain name. A change in circumstance resulting in ineligibility may cause a domain to be cancelled, locked, or deleted.

Technical information for .corsica.

  • TLD .corsica
  • Type gTLD
  • Registration 36.99 USD / year
  • Renewal 54.99 USD / year
  • Transfer 36.99 USD / Transfer in your .corsica
  • Time to Register 24 Hours
  • Registration Period 1 - 10 years
  • Renewal Grace Period 40 days
  • Redemption Period 30 days
  • Private Registration Not Available
  • DNSSEC Supported / Learn how to add DNSSEC
  • Trustee/Proxy Service No
  • Individuals can register Yes
  • Businesses can register Yes
  • Registry Cullettività di Corsica
  • Information updated 2023-05-13

See all .corsica domain help and technical information.

Why manage your .corsica domain with 101domain?

101domain is an international domain registration service with the largest selection of global domain names across a variety of subjects. A .corsica domain is just one of the many TLDs we can find, register, and manage for you and your business.