Modern Chinese, also known as Simplified Chinese Characters is the primary language spoken in mainland China. The Xiandai Hanyu Tongyong Zibiao lists over 7,000 commonly used characters in Modern Chinese with the Simplified Chinese Characters making up the majority of them. The number of native speakers is currently unknown, however between the years 1984 and 2001 it has been reported that up to 1.2 billion speak a form of the language.
Modern Chinese is the official language of the People's Republic of China as well as Singapore. But it is traditionally used in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan as well. Although most of the Simplified Chinese Characters being used today is a result of works moderated by the People's Republic of China(The PRC) it pre-dates the formation of the PRC by 1400 years, dating back to the Qin Dynasty.
Simplified Chinese Characters has been reformed many times over the last thousand years and has been the basis of many other alphabets found in Asian culture, most notably Japanese and Korean who adopted it in 1900 and 1910 respectively.
- .公司
- Chinese Simplified for Company
- Starting @ 41.99 USD /yr
- .中国
- China
- Starting @ 41.99 USD /yr
- .网络
- Chinese Simplified for Network
- Starting @ 41.99 USD /yr
- .新加坡
- Singapore
- Starting @ 83.99 USD /yr
- .大众汽车
- Volkswagen Investment Co., Ltd.
- Not available
- .一号店
- Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
- Not available
- .通用电气公司
- GE GTLD Holdings LLC
- Not available
- .香格里拉
- Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited
- Not available
- .联通
- China United Network Communications Corporation Limited
- Not available
- .淡马锡
- Temasek Holdings Limtied
- Not available
- .欧莱雅
- L'Oréal
- Not available
- .工行
- Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
- Not available
- .中信
- CITIC Group Corporation
- Not available
- .谷歌
- Not available
- .诺基亚
- Nokia Corporation
- Not available
- .飞利浦
- Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
- Not available
- .普利司通
- Bridgestone Corporation
- Not available
- .嘉里大酒店
- Kerry Trading Co. Limited
- Not available
- .嘉里
- Kerry Trading Co. Limited
- Not available
- .佛山
- Chinese Simplified for Foshan
- Starting @ 26.49 USD /yr
- .慈善
- Chinese Simplified for Charity
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- .集团
- Chinese Simplified for Conglomerate, Group
- Starting @ 829.49 USD /yr
- .在线
- Chinese Simplified for Online
- Starting @ 314.99 USD /yr
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- .COM In Chinese
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- Chinese Simplified for Gossip
- Starting @ 341.49 USD /yr
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- Chinese Simplified for Mobile Phone
- Starting @ 18.99 USD /yr
- .我爱你
- Chinese Simplified for Love
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- .新闻
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- .家電
- Chinese Simplified for Electronics
- Starting @ 31.49 USD /yr
- .深圳
- Chinese Simplified for Shenzhen Province
- Not available
- .中文网
- Chinese Simplified for Website
- Starting @ 465.99 USD /yr
- .购物
- Chinese Simplified for Shopping
- Starting @ 459.99 USD /yr
- .网店
- Chinese Simplified for Shop
- Starting @ 341.49 USD /yr
- .餐厅
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- .食品
- Chinese for Food
- Starting @ 20.99 USD /yr
- .手表
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- Not available
- .手机
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- .机构
- Chinese Simplified for Agency
- Starting @ 14.99 USD /yr
- .健康
- Chinese Simplified for Healthy
- Starting @ 3,299.00 USD /yr
- .招聘
- Chinese Simplified for Recruitment
- Not available
- .珠宝
- Chinese Simplified for Jewelry
- Not available
- .大拿
- .NET In Chinese
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- .世界
- Chinese Simplified for World
- Starting @ 40.99 USD /yr
- .書籍
- Chinese for Books
- Starting @ 52.49 USD /yr
- .天主教
- Chinese Simplified for Catholic
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- .机构体制
- Chinese Simplified for Organization
- Not available
- .信息
- Chinese Simplified for Info
- Starting @ 36.99 USD /yr
- .广东
- Chinese Simplified Guangdong Province
- Starting @ 26.49 USD /yr
- .政务
- Chinese Simplified for Government
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