About .barcelona
DNSSEC is available for .barcelona domain
Private Registration is available for .barcelona domain
Frequently asked questions about .barcelona.
How do I buy a .barcelona domain?
To purchase your domain name, you must first search for the availability of the unique phrase (without spaces or with hyphens). If the domain name is available, you may then add it to the cart to register for up to 10 years. If the .barcelona generic domain is not available, then either modify your phrase, or inquire about purchasing the name outright through 101domain's Domain Concierge Service.
Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for .barcelona?
To register and renew a .barcelona domain name you must be an individual or a legal entity with a nexus to the .barcelona community. This nexus means that you must be linked to the community at the time of registration and thereafter on a linguistic, cultural, tourism, commercial basis, or any other activity conducive to the welfare of the .barcelona community. Registrants are required to state the intended use for the registered domain name. A false statement of intended use is an indication of bad faith and may be the basis for the suspension of the domain name.
In addition, the registrant’s use of the domain name must be:
- generally accepted as legitimate; and
- conducive to welfare of the .barcelona community; and
- commensurate to the role and importance of the domain, according to the judgement that an average user would reasonably make in the context of that domain name; and
- in compliance with Catalan consumer protection, product and services labelling, advertising and fair communication regulation; and
- in compliance with current linguistic protection laws, and
- based on good faith at registration and thereafter.
For more information, see the .barcelona Registration Policy.
Does .barcelona domain have a special use?
For use by the Barcelona community including individuals with residence in the City of Barcelona and legal entities with a bona fide presence, direct or indirect, in the Barcelona area or in Barcelona as the capital of Catalonia.
Technical information for .barcelona.
- TLD .barcelona
- Type gTLD
- Registration 41.99 USD / year
- Renewal 77.99 USD / year
- Transfer 41.99 USD / Transfer in your .barcelona
- Time to Register Instant
- Registration Period 1 - 10 years
- Renewal Grace Period 40 days
- Redemption Period 30 days
- Private Registration Available
- DNSSEC Supported / Learn how to add DNSSEC
- Trustee/Proxy Service No
- Blocking Service Part of the GlobalBlock Service / Learn more
- Individuals can register Yes
- Businesses can register Yes
- Registry Municipi de Barcelona
- Information updated 2024-04-09
Why manage your .barcelona domain with 101domain?
101domain is an international domain registration service with the largest selection of global domain names across a variety of subjects. A .barcelona domain is just one of the many TLDs we can find, register, and manage for you and your business.