.au Domain Name Information
Select a section below to get information about price, domain specifications, domain dispute policies, domain requirements, WHOIS information and registry information for .au domains. Start a search to register your .au domain.
- Registration 46.49 USD / year
- Renewal 55.49 USD / year
- Transfer 46.49 USD / Transfer in your .au
- Time to Register 10 Days
- Type ccTLD
- Country Australia
- Registration Period Available for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 year(s)
- DNSSEC Supported / Learn how to add DNSSEC
- Trustee/Proxy Service No
- Individuals can register Yes
- Businesses can register Yes
- Is there a special use for .au? No
Is there any other information needed to register a .au domain?
Registration based on trademark application is acceptable, provide trademark application number in this case. If an Australian trademark is used as the basis for meeting the Australian presence requirements, the domain name the registrants choose must be an exact match to the words which are the subject matter of the Australian trademark.
Does .au have any additional fees?
Ownership update fee is $20. Once the update is processed, any renewal years previously paid will be revoked.
Any additional documents, requirements or information needed to register a .au?
Organizations: Provide your Australian trademark number (in Australian ATMOSS database) registered or in process, OR provide Australian company name, address, phone, and ACN, ABN, or ARBN number.
If an Australian trademark is used as the basis for meeting the Australian presence requirements, the domain name the registrants choose must be an exact match to the words which are the subject matter of the Australian trademark.
Individuals: Provide your Australian government issued ID number (Driver's Licence, Passport, Birth Certificate), ID Issue Date and your date of birth.
- Are Individual .au domain registrations allowed? Yes
- Company or legal entities registrations allowed for .au? Yes
Are some .au domain names restricted?
Misspelling of a popular domain name in order to divert trade or traffic or for monetization of prohibited. See FAQs for complete restrictions.
- Do I need a trademark/brand name to register .au? No
- Private Registration service available? No
- .au Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees? No
- have minimum of 2 and a maximum of 63 characters;
- begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number;
- use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z),numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these;
- neither begin with, nor end with a dash;
- not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions (e.g. www.ab- -cd.au); and
- not include a space (e.g. www.ab cd.au).
- Registry AUDA
- Dispute Policy https://www.auda.org.au/au-domain-names/complaints-and-disputes
- Sponsoring Organization
Administrative Contact
Cameron Boardman
.au Domain Administration (auDA)
Lv 17 1 Collins St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Email: [email protected]
Voice: + 61 03 8341 4111, + 61 1300 732 929
Fax: + 61 03 8341 4112 -
Technical Contact
Adam King,
.au Domain Administration (auDA)
Lv 17 1 Collins St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +61 (0)3 8341 4111
Fax: +61 (0)3 8341 4112 - Sub Domains
Name Servers
Host Name IP Address(es) b.au
2001:dd8:12:0:0:0:0:53u.au t.au