.arte Domain Information
Applicant Full Legal Name
Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne G.E.I.E.
Legal Establishment
Groupement Européen d'Intérêt Economique (G.E.I.E.) = European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
Joint Venture Partner
ARTE France SA, seated 8,rue Marceau, 92785 Issy-les-Moulineaux (France), ARTE Deutschland TV GmbH seated Schützenstrasse 1, 76530 Baden-Baden (Germany)
Applicant Address
4, Quai du Chanoine Winterer
Strasbourg 67000
State Jurisdiction
Règlement européen n° 2137-85 du 25 juillet 1985 = Council Regulation (EEC) n° 2137/85 of 25 July 1985 Loi française n° 89-377 du 13 juin 1989 = French Law n° 89-377 of 13 June 1986
Applicant Website
Applied for gTLD
Domain Registration Status
Mission/Purpose of Domain Extension
The new .arte gTLD will operate as a restricted registry, in which the Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne (ARTE) can create and control domain spaces under its ARTE brand name that promote its brand identity and authenticity. In this regard, the .arte will be used to identify ARTE and its cultural contents online and to provide information and services to consumers in a way that promotes trust, convenience and utility. The .arte gTLD will provide an authoritative internet space for ARTE, its affiliates and partners that are associated with the brand, and will create a link between it and its users across the world. Second and third level domains can then be utilised to better promote and communicate the pan European and international cultural mission of ARTE, with internet users assured of brand authenticity.
ARTE was founded in 1991 as a European Economic Interest Grouping on the basis of an interstate treaty between Germany and France. As a public service television channel, ARTE was established in order to promote cross-border cooperation and facilitate or develop the economic activity of its members. ARTE is composed of two equal members: ARTE Deutschland TV GmbH and ARTE France, and is governed by European law. The purpose of ARTE is to conceive and produce television programmes which, in a broad sense, are cultural and international in character and will promote understanding among Europe's nations. ARTE has its headquarters in Strasbourg, where programme strategy, commissioning policy and scheduling are determined and can reach more than 190 million viewers in Europe, representing about 80 million households. ARTE also has existing cooperation in place with broadcasters throughout Europe, such as Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF) (Austria), Radio Télévision Belge Francophone (RTBF) (Belgium), British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (UK), SRG SSR idée Suisse (Switzerland) and other broadcasters throughout the world.
Since the inception of the current domain name system, business activities conducted on the internet are constantly changing and evolving with increased complexity. The volume of commercial transactions over the internet is constantly growing and bringing benefits of simplicity and lowered transaction costs to businesses and consumers. However, at the same time, criminal activities over the internet including data breach, hacking and phishing activities have also become more sophisticated resulting in loss of consumer confidence beyond mere monetary harm. The .arte gTLD will facilitate greater trust and assurance from internet users connecting with ARTE online, whilst still allowing convenient and efficient interaction.
ARTE's mission and purpose of the proposed new gTLD share ICANN's initiatives to promote public interest. ARTE is committed to contribute towards achieving such initiatives in line with ICANN's Affirmation of Commitments, which includes:
- consumer trust: the .arte gTLD registry will be operated in a centralised manner with a restrictive registration policy. Registration of domain names will only be available to ARTE and its affiliate entities, at this stage, which will provide added consumer trust that .arte domain names are trustworthy. As .arte domain names are subject to registration standards, policies and procedures under ARTE's control, this eliminates the possibility of malicious conduct within the .arte domain space;
- competition: the proposed new gTLD is not intended to instigate competition and consumer choice at the level of registration of domain names among prospective registrants. Instead it is anticipated to contribute to ICANN's initiatives to promote public interest through its operation focused on promoting consumer trust. Increased trust in the .arte gTLD will drive existing and new top level domain (TLD) registry operators to make improvements in mechanisms to improve consumer trust of their TLDs; and
- consumer choice: the proposed new gTLD will enable user-driven improvements and innovations assisting ARTE's marketing efforts through its ability to create new second and third level domain names on demand. These names will provide the consumers with more choices for interacting with ARTE and its cultural content in an authentic and authoritative ARTE internet space. As ARTE has effective control over the registration and use of domain names under .arte domain space, this will also contribute towards general service innovations on the internet.
Given the restricted nature of the .arte gTLD, the projected number of registration is likely to be limited. It is anticipated that a limited number of domain names will be registered in the first few years. However, the number of registrations is likely to increase as ARTE develops and implements new services and marketing campaigns.
ARTE intends to create relevant domain names for use including product, services or geographic names in the second or third level domain names. In accordance with the registration policy and the proposed measures for protection of geographic names as outlined in response to Question 22, ARTE will use geographic names to localise its websites in its countries of operation such as France and Germany. ARTE has been established on the basis of an interstate treaty between France and Germany, therefore ARTE's programmes and complementary web activities will be made available in these countries. The use of geographic names is intended to:
- connect internet users with relevant information as applicable to the territory; and
- comply with required rules and regulations in the national territory.
ARTE will also utilise Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) at the second level in French and German. The use of IDNs will allow internet users to engage with .arte in their native language, creating a more positive user experience and encouraging diversity. As the use of the .arte gTLD evolves, it is anticipated that the use of IDNs, including additional languages, will increase within the .arte domain space.
ARTE is a well-recognised European brand with its trademarks registered in 31 countries and territories and amongst others at a minimum for the following categories: classes 9 (apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images), 35 (advertising, business management, business administration, office functions), 38 (telecommunications), 41 (providing of cultural activities).
Further, ARTE has over 100 existing domain names including the "ARTE" trademark and the applied-for .arte string (with 3 being an exact match) in spaces including artereadio.com, arte-global.com, arteliveweb.com, arte.eu, arte.de, arte.fr, artefrance.fr and videoarte.be.
ARTE believes that the .arte gTLD is unlikely to cause confusion with either a generic term or any existing TLDs. ARTE is a public service television channel that reaches almost 200 million viewers in Europe and promotes understanding between European nations. As such ARTE is a well-known brand within Europe and worldwide and has its trademarks registered in the majority of European countries. ARTE has established itself as a valuable source for audio-visual and cultural contents and is the broadcaster to turn to regarding European cultural offerings.