.alstom Domain Information
Applicant Full Legal Name
Legal Establishment
Société Anonyme (Private Limited Liability Company)
Applicant Address
3 Avenue André Malraux
Levallois-Perret 92300
State Jurisdiction
French Commercial Code, Code de commerce, Livre II, Titre II, Chapitre V, Articles L225-1 and following: http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCode.do?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000005634379&dateTexte=vig
Applicant Website
Applied for gTLD
Domain Registration Status
Mission/Purpose of Domain Extension
According to the Applicant, the purpose of the TLD is manifold, as will be further explained below: i. Reflect and operate Applicant's key and most distinctive brand ("ALSTOM") at the top level of the DNS' hierarchy; ii. Provide stakeholders of the Applicant, including subsidiaries, and their... Read more
i. Reflect and operate Applicant's key and most distinctive brand ("ALSTOM") at the top level of the DNS' hierarchy;
ii. Provide stakeholders of the Applicant, including subsidiaries, and their respective suppliers, customers, sponsorships, and their respective directors, officers, employees, with a recognizable and trusted identifier on the Internet;
iii. Provide such stakeholders with a secure and safe Internet environment that is mainly or even fully under the control of the Applicant and its subcontractors;
iv. Provide selected stakeholders in ALSTOM brands with the opportunity to create a secure and safe Internet environment that is mainly or even fully under control of the Applicant and/or such stakeholders;