AdultBlock provides complete brand protection in the online adult space

Not all websites on the Internet are suitable for work. The last thing you want is for your brand or business to be associated with an adult website without your consent. AdultBlock is an expanded protection service that allows any brand or individual to apply for protections in .adult, .porn, .sex and .xxx domains, even with unregistered trademarks.

Block adult-themed domain registrations with AdultBlock


Starting at

387.99 USD Year

Features & Specs

  • 1 Label Covered
  • Block the label across all 4 TLDs
  • Premium domain name blocking
  • Blocking of domains when they become available


Starting at

879.99 USD Year
* Terms available in 1, 3, and 5 year blocks

Features & Specs

  • 1 Label Covered + additional qualified variants
  • Block the label across all 4 TLDs
  • Premium domain name blocking
  • Blocking of domains when they become available
  • Variant Labels in SMD File and Sunrise B
  • Unicode variant blocking - homographic protection Homographs Homographic protection stops people from registering malicious domain names that are visually similar to your brand but uses different characters. This is a powerful feature because homographs look almost identical to the real domain names and leave your brand vulnerable to phishing scams and brand abuse. Learn More

Discounted pricing is available for multiple year blocks. Contact your account executive or a member of our corporate team at +1 888-982-7940 to learn more.

Why use AdultBlock for defensive brand protection

It's economical.
AdultBlock provides substantial savings over registering your brand name in all four adult-themed extensions. AdultBlock's proactive defense blocks premium names as well as any presently registered names when they become available, preventing backorders.

It's low maintenance.
Save time by avoiding registering domain names individually and redirecting traffic to your main website. Domains blocked by AdultBlock are not live on the Internet so you get peace of mind and your IT team doesn't have to get involved.

It makes business sense.
AdultBlock provides brand holders an excellent way to prevent cybersquatting and abuse activities that could cause an embarrassing and harmful PR nightmare and damage your brand reputation.

Call an expert now to learn more. +1.888.982.7940